Oxfam: The Circle – Wright & Teague pin for The Oxfam Circle
We are thrilled to collaborate with Maasai women in Tanzania to create The Circle pin. This pin is a motif of solidarity representing women linked together, empowered to share their vision of a future without poverty.
Designed by Circle member Sheila Teague and made by a women’s group of Maasai pastoralists from Engare Sero village in Northern Tanzania, these Lucky Sparks CIRCLE pins are a brilliant example of what women across the world can achieve when they work together.

Through its local partner, Ngorongoro NGO Network (NGONET), Oxfam is empowering Maasai women to engage in making beadwork on a more commercial basis in order to diversify their livelihoods. They are providing training in business management, designing and marketing, and linking the women with local and international markets.
about The Circle
Set up in 2008 by Annie Lennox and Oxfam, the Circle is a partnership of influential women who are passionate about women”s rights and empowering other women. They use their networks, resources and skills, working with Oxfam to help fight poverty and inequality through increasing awareness and fund raising.